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Greetings from Macedonia

by MakeUsWell

Thank you to our great subscriber Dana Klein for sharing. Dana’s friends, Noah and Anna (not their real names) write about their vaccination experience in Macedonia and Serbia.

Well, it's been quite a week... The COVID-19 news here in Macedonia just keeps getting worse and worse, with infection and death rates higher than ever. The "third wave" should crest within a matter of days, but the hospitals are already completely full.

The local newspaper reported that only 11,000 vaccine doses have been administered so far, exclusively to healthcare workers. Although there hasn't been a census in over 20 years, my guess is that there are between 1 million and 1.5 million people in Macedonia. So, 11,000 doses doesn't mean squat. And 33 deaths and 708 new cases JUST TODAY is huge.


by Doug Quine

Douglas Boynton Quine is a research scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and explorer. He has dozens of registered patents, many cited by major corporations.

Doug holds a PhD in Neurobiology and Behavior from Cornell University and a BA in Biology from Princeton University.

MakeUsWell edited Doug's writing for brevity and clarity.

A Contrarian Priority Strategy

by MakeUsWell

Current Situation

As of 2/22/21, ~44.1 M Americans or ~13.4% of the population have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. Overall ~19.4 M or ~5.9% have received both doses.

In the continental US, West Virginia still leads. ~9.7% of the people there have received both doses. Alaska is at ~11.3% of the population with both doses. West Virginia has ~2.5X the population of Alaska.

California at ~5% is under-performing, especially given the state's technological prowess.

Insights From Israel

by MakeUsWell

Nota Bene

MakeUsWell knows the American market, cold. We also know the UK and Indian markets fairly well. Although some of us have worked and dabbled in the Israeli market, we lack in-depth knowledge and understanding of Israel and her market.

So, we turned to people and publications that have accumulated knowledge and are top-notch in Israel.

Our ally Israel, like us, is suffering from political turmoil and mistrust towards the government. Ergo, we took special care to ensure that our sources—like MakeUsWell—are non-partisan, and driven by science and data.