
All of Us

GRAS and Race in 2021 America

by MakeUsWell


GRAS stands for Geography, Race, Autonomy, and Social.

MakeUsWell is saddened by the racial issues in 2021 America. The data reflects this. And the data and the story it supports are persistent, pronounced, and pervasive. This has an oversized impact in the GRAS segmentation and scoring.

We all want America to heal and renew as a multi-ethnic, and multi-racial society sans significant racial issues. But wishful thinking or media platitudes won't get us there. The first step to heal is to understand the data. So MakeUsWell dug deeper.

GRAS HOPE Products

by MakeUsWell

MakeUsWell has developed a suite of software and analytics driven products for the COVID-19 vaccination market. The products were developed with:

  1. Data from ~100+ sources of a wide variety
  2. Millions of data points
  3. Structured and Unstructured data
  4. Surveys and conversations with customers over web, sms, email, phone, and in-person channels
  5. In the right time period, ~ December 14, 2020, the start of US vaccinations to ~ April, 2021 and ongoing

These products fit within a GRAS framework.

What is GRAS HOPE?

by MakeUsWell

GRAS Analytics Framework

MakeUsWell created a platform of dynamic scores and segmentations. Our framework’s corresponding software and augmented analytics can be applied to consumers in the North American vaccination market.

Focused on:

  1. Ranks, scores, and predicts the likelihood of individuals and different segments to get any COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. Matches these people or segments with the right marketing messages and incentives to convert them. Consumers choose to get vaccinated as a result of segmentation, targeting, communications, and incentives.

Perspectives on GRAS HOPE

by MakeUsWell

~38% of Americans got 1 or 2 jabs. ~21% are "fully vaccinated"—wrong phrase. Both Pfizer and Moderna will launch boosters. Certain data show the vaccines' reduced effectiveness against specific new strains.

America yearns for her pre-pandemic days. But our old normal wasn't so good. COVID-19 uncovered and amplified societal economic, racial, and mental health problems. Identity politics and endless (re) elections, investigations, recalls, and impeachments cycles made the fire worse.

How the CDC Failed Us

by MakeUsWell

First Principles

  1. ~90%+ of Americans don't trust government or public health officials with vaccination information, insights, and communications.
  2. Our local, state, and federal government (both parties) need to regain public trust. Good systems with accurate data and precise analytics are needed. Useful reports on vaccinations, risks, and side effects will drive this.

CDC's Acronym Pish Posh

CDC stands for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

VAERS is an acronym for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.