
All of Us

Overnight in a Hospital

by Mike Critelli

On June 14, I had an overnight post-surgery stay at the Physicians Regional Health System hospital in Naples, FL. Naples is 94% white, and has an average annual family income over $105K. My experience in this affluent part of our country was remarkably substandard. Through my many conversations, I learned that many others in all types of communities experience what I did, or worse.

In 2020, America suffered lockdowns and other extreme measures implemented to prevent inundating our hospitals with COVID-19 patients. Federal and state governments had no plans for the surges in capacity when we were hit with COVID-19. Though some states were far better than others in responding to the crisis, we all lacked enough beds, ventilators, personal protective equipment, and staff.


by Alison Acerra

Alison Acerra is a Registered dietitian nutritionist. Alison has decades of experience and combines nutrition and other fields creatively to help individuals and businesses.

MakeUsWell edited Alison's write-up for clarity and length.

In the Beginning

One day, I took the plunge and started my own business. I didn't know then how important a daily mindset practice was. This helped me to focus, stay motivated, and get back up everytime I felt knocked down!

I experimented with lots of things. Most recently it's been affirmations. I didn't believe they worked. But awesome stuff happened in my daily routine, when I included affirmations.

The Nursing Home Tragedy

by MakeUsWell

The inquiry that led to this posting started with the question: where and why are Americans dying from the COVID-19 virus?  Frail older people with underlying health conditions have died in disproportionate numbers.

State health departments have been inconsistent or, in the case of New York State, incomplete in reporting COVID-19 nursing home deaths, but the compiled national reporting on nursing home deaths indicate that approximately 40% of all COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes or to nursing home residents in hospitals.

Getting the Narratives Right About Nursing Homes and Residential Housing

by MakeUsWell

The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic contains this summary statement:

Less than 1% of America’s population lives in long term care facilities, but, as of March 4, 2021, this tiny fraction of the country accounts for 34% of US COVID 19 deaths.

The authors of the COVID Tracking Project actually note that the correct percentage is higher:

CTP’s aggregated cumulative data for these states under-reports actual cumulative totals. This information can be found in our Aggregate Dataset. States vary in their reported cumulative data start date. Not all states and territories report long-term-care data.

GRAS HOPE Applications

by MakeUsWell


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Get to know the feelings, politics, race, and fears behind their needs and behaviour towards vaccinations. Talk vaccinations to them in a simple, straightforward, and informal way with MakeUsWell's help.

For example, Joe may ask, “Is it true that if I get vaccinated my immunity lasts forever?”