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Becoming Well…thy: Six Pillars

by Alan Steelman

Congressman Alan Steelman is a Dallas businessman with a career as a global management consultant spanning several decades. He has been chairman for various boards and committees, including the Dallas Council on World Affairs and also served as a representative for the state of Texas. Congressman Steelman is the father of 5, and MakeUsWell is happy to have him as a member.

MakeUsWell edited Alan’s words for clarity and length.

Why Well...thy?

Emotional balance and resilience are always fleeting and elusive in a “survival of the fittest” system like our own. The challenge is even greater now, given the devastation of the past 18 months. Many have questioned and reframed their priorities. Giving ‘well...thy’ equal footing in all of our lives will be a great start.

What Does “Follow the Science” Mean?

by Mike Critelli

From the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, many politicians and members of the media have used the phrase “follow the science.” In this context, the meaning of “the science” has been relatively consistent and understandable in some respects, but frustratingly inconsistent and confusing in others.

Unfortunately, lawmakers, public health authorities, as well as the media and some scientists have found it difficult to acknowledge that “following the science” means we must become comfortable with uncertainty on some key points:

Frank Teng

by MakeUsWell

Who is Frank Teng?

After completing his undergraduate degree in psychology at Yale, Frank Teng studied UX design at Carnegie Mellon University. “My philosophy has always been to empower other people—I always wanted to look at opportunities where I can serve other people.” This interest in understanding how people work has led him to the Mayo Clinic. Frank is a UX designer for telehealth products, sharing the benefits of technology in health care.

Frank's Work

Frank’s focus is working in a practical platform eliminating barriers and focusing on empowering individuals with technology. “Essentially, I'm creating a more seamless, streamlined product experience for when a patient talks to a doctor.” In his role with the Mayo Clinic the focus is: ‘how do we make everything as easy for the patient as possible?’

Thrive Global Network Announcement

From Mike Critelli, MakeUsWell

Hi MakeUsWell Community,

First, I want to thank our Charter Sponsor, Lawrence Leisure, Managing Partner at Chicago Pacific Founders, and Senior Advisor at Kleiner Perkins. Larry continues to guide us strategically and help with his top-notch accumulated experience and knowledge of the craft.

We formed MakeUsWell with a mission and promise to you to highlight healthcare topics the pandemic revealed and amplified. One such key issue is employee well-being. Employers must help end the epidemic of stress and burnout.

A New Day for Old Stories

by Chris McSwain

So here we are in July 2021, and Los Angeles county just reinstated their indoor mask mandate. There are questions about the Delta variant and the waning immunity and the need for Moderna or Pfizer booster shots.

Chris's article resonates now.

Chris McSwain is the CEO and co-founder of ThinkX, Inc. He serves AiRCare Health as an Executive Advisor, Vida Health as a Commercial Advisor, and Eden Health as an Employer Advisory Board member.

A global leader motivated and dedicated to making the world a better place, Chris believes the best way to learn about the country is to see it first hand. Chris and his wife are modern day explorers, traveling across the U.S. in a motorhome.  

MakeUsWell edited Chris's write-up for clarity and length.

Getting consumers to regularly wear masks and wash hands sounds simple. It would also seem straightforward for consumers to trust taking the vaccines proven successful in treating COVID.