by Phyllis Wise
Phyllis Wise is a MakeUsWell Charter Member. She got her bachelor's degree in biology from Swarthmore College. And a doctorate in zoology from the University of Michigan. From 2011-2015, she served as the Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She was also on Nike's board.
Mike Critelli said “Phyllis has top-notch abilities to envision and describe a medical diagnostic process through which we would know how each of us differ in our health profiles and risks. She also has the tenacity and discipline to create that platform through the Colorado Longitudinal Study."
America needs to attack the next pandemic before it infects and kills millions of people.
Biobanks are repositories of biological specimens and health information.
Biobanks will help prevent or attenuate the impact of future pandemics.