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The Therapeutic Effect of Overcoming Chronic Fear

by Mike Critelli

We live in an era of excessive fear. Economic challenges, political divisions, and an obsessive media focus on everything that could possibly go wrong, are contributing to this. The pandemic, moreover, amplified this environment of fear.

Chronic fear, in particular, is extremely unhealthy.The research on its physical and mental health effects are undisputed and well-documented. 

  • Fear weakens our immune system.  

  • It leads to accelerated aging.

  • It can cause damage to certain parts of the brain and make us even more fearful.

  • It triggers fatigue, clinical depression, and PTSD.

The Need For New Ways Of Engaging Americans On Health Improvement: The Low Usage Challenge

by Mike Critelli

MakeUsWell Network’s founders feared that the single-minded focus on virus containment would cause all other necessary health improvement initiatives to be delayed or abandoned.

Americans have more healthcare, wellness programs, and medications available than ever, and a reasonably good health improvement blueprint on how to improve health. For many life-threatening conditions like cancer, we have the world’s best care. 

But our results are terrible. Our life expectancy has dropped back to 1996 levels. Why?

Americans always underutilize preventive care, fail to manage chronic diseases, and delay treatment for more acute conditions. The pandemic made overall health worse.

Self-insured employers spend significant money for healthcare and wellness programs, but do not realize their intended benefits. Timely usage of available programs is disappointing. 

The Best Reason to Trust Science

by Mike Critelli

We created the MakeUsWell Network three years ago because we are deeply committed to critical thinking. We want to follow the facts wherever they may lead us.

One tragic consequence of the pandemic has been the abandonment of scientific principles by authority figures. We cannot let inconvenient or negative consequences from following scientific research divert us from getting the facts.

Three years ago, when President Trump called Covid-19 the "China virus," he was widely criticized for the xenophobic implications of the label. His careless and inflammatory language was especially concerning coming from the President of the United States.

How Chronic Illness Taught Me to Reframe Five Major Limiting Beliefs

by Katie Critelli

Katie Critelli writes about health and wellness, with a focus on healing and re-framing the experience of chronic illness. She is also a Product Manager at BetterDoc, a company that helps patients with complex conditions find the right doctors, and is studying nutritional therapy through the NTA program. In her free time, Katie enjoys music, exercise, and exploring her new home of Berlin, Germany.

Over the past five years of healing chronic Lyme disease and arthritis, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that managing and overcoming chronic health challenges requires a massive mindset shift. It’s not possible to emerge healthy and stronger from the experience with the same beliefs and approaches to life you started with.

The Hidden Health Costs of Remote Work

by Mike Critelli

In recent years, advances in technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a significant increase in remote work, also known as telecommuting or working from home. While many may assume that working “in the comfort of home” is healthier and more conducive to wellbeing, this assumption is flawed for at least three reasons.

Ergonomics and Movement

Most homes are not set up with a focus on creating an environment for office work. Lacking the ergonomic setup available in an office setting can lead to poor posture, strain on the back, and an increase in musculoskeletal issues for workers. 

Additionally, remote workers may not have the opportunity to move around and stretch as much as they would in an office setting. This can lead to muscle tension and stiffness, which can also contribute to back pain.